July 27, 2023

A Statement from the Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Anglican Church of North America (ANCA) Church Plant Votes to Disaffiliate from ACNA and Begin Process to Affiliate with The Episcopal Church through the Diocese of Texas

Following a period of prayer, discernment, and exploration, ACNA church plant Resurrection, located in South Austin, voted this week to disaffiliate from the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) Diocese for the Sake of Others, and pursue affiliation with The Episcopal Church through the Diocese of Texas.

The vote comes after Resurrection’s thorough examination of its own convictions around a variety of concerns, including prohibitions against women in the Episcopate and the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ in the church. As distance grew between many of the clergy and people of Resurrection and the doctrine and discipline of ACNA, Resurrection approached the Diocese of Texas to explore a discernment process to affiliate with The Episcopal Church.

With the knowledge of Resurrection’s bishop and the Bishop of Texas, C. Andrew Doyle, Bishop Suffragan Kai Ryan first met with the clergy of Resurrection, and later with the congregation. After having questions answered and learning even more about The Episcopal Church, Resurrection gained even more clarity around their decision to move forward with a vote to disaffiliate from ACNA.

Since a majority vote within the membership of Resurrection to proceed with disaffiliation from ACNA has now occurred, thorough pastoral and canonical processes of mutual discernment will begin between the clergy and people of Resurrection Church, South Austin, and the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

We ask that you keep Resurrection’s rector, the Rev. Shawn McCain, and people in your prayers as this process commences.