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The Episcopal Diocese of Texas

Houston Diocesan Center 
1225 Texas St.
Houston, TX 77002-3504

713.521.2218 (f)


Austin Diocesan Center
510 Rathervue Place 
Austin, TX 78705

512.478.5615 (f)


Fort Worth Diocesan Center
209 S Main St.
Fort Worth, TX 76104

Tyler Diocesan Center
2695 S. Southwest Loop 323
Tyler, TX   75701
903.579.6011 (f)





501(c)3 non-profit tax-exempt status
Accounts Payable
Accounts Receivable
Addiction Recovery Support/Referrals
Address changes (including email)
Altar Guild, diocesan oversight
Alternative rites, permission
Annual Council - Registration
Annual Council, pre-Council reporting for churches
Annual Diocesan Council
Archives, diocesan and/or guidelines for parishes
Background checks, clergy
Background checks, Lay - for Safeguarding only
Beginning Well, clergy formation
Bequests & donations
Bishops - previous bishops of Texas
Bishop's Office administration oversight
Bishop's Office, Assistant in Houston
Bishop's Office, Diocesan 
Bishop's Office, Suffragan in Austin 
Bishop's Office, Suffragan in Tyler 
Bishop's presence at parish events, East Region 
Bishop's presence at parish events, South Region 
Bishop's presence at parish events, West Region 
Bi-vocational priests & pastoral leaders
Boundary violations (interpersonal)
Canon for Wellness and Care, the Rev. Canon Lisa Burns
Branding - EDOT identity, logo
Budget of Diocesan Council
Business Services
Bylaws, model parish and school
Camp Allen, diocesan oversight
Camp Allen, general
Campus/College ministry
Canonical residency & letters dimissory
Canons (EDOT & TEC), clarification/advice
Canons (EDOT)
Canons (TEC)
Cellphone towers, recommendation
Clergy & Family Support/Referrals
Canon for Wellness and Care, the Rev. Canon Lisa Burns
Clergy Conference administration
Clergy Conference oversight
Chief of Staff, The Rev. Marcea Paul
Clergy Financial Assistance
Clergy formation - after ordination
Clergy formation - leading to ordination
Clergy Manual, EDOT
Clergy Misconduct - Title IV
Canon for Wellness and Care, the Rev. Canon Lisa Burns
Clergy Misconduct - Title IV
Clergy Recruitment
Clergy salaries
Clergy Spouses Group
Clergy transition/calling (chaplains, asst/assoc)
Clergy, Non parochial annual reports
Clericus meetings, presenters/compensation
Clericus meetings, schedule & roster
Columbarium / memorial garden guidelines
Commission on Ministry, administration
Commission on Ministry, diocesan oversight
Commissions, diocesan oversight
Communications strategy, parish
Confirmations, receptions, & reaffirmations
Congregational coaching
Congregational conflict
Contact info, clergy and congregation
Convention, General (TEC)
Curate Formation: Curate Camp & First Time in Charge
Cycle of Prayer
Database, EDOT
Daughters of the King, diocesan oversight
Deacons, transitional
Deacons, vocational
Deans of Convocations
Death notices
Diocesan policies (see Clergy Manual)
Disaster Recovery Projects
Director of Disaster Recovery, the Rev. Stacy Stringer
Disaster response planning & emergency relief
Discernment Committees, Regional
Discovery Retreats
Discretionary funds
Discretionary funds, advice
Controller, Brad Elgin
Diversity training, Fertile Ground 
Driving and credit background checks, lay
East Region of EDOT
Ecclesiastical endorsements, clergy & lay
Ecumenical gatherings, diocesan presence at
El Buen Samaritano, diocesan oversight
El Buen Samaritano, general
Employee Benefits
Benefits Specialist, Felicia Moodie, MSM-HR
Episcopal Health Foundation, congregational engagement
Episcopal Health Foundation, diocesan oversight
Episcopal Health Foundation, general
Episcopal High School, Houston - diocesan oversight
Episcopal High School, Houston - general
Episcopal orders - clergy from other denominations
Episcopal Schools, Commission on 
Eucharistic Ministry training, lay
Evangelism training, Invite-Welcome-Connect
Executive Board
Finance Department, diocesan oversight
Chief Financial Officer, Linda Riley Mitchell, CPA/Treasurer
Finances, parish
Controller, Brad Elgin
General Convention (TEC)
General Convention (TEC), deputies
Grants, foundations
Grants, mission work
Hispanic Ministries, communications
Hispanic ministries, diocesan oversight
Hispanic Ministry, Commission on - general
History of the Episcopal Church in Texas
Human Resources
Hurricane Recovery
Installations, East Region (celebrations of new ministry)
Installations, South Region (celebrations of new ministry)
Installations, West Region (celebrations of new ministry)
Institutions, diocesan oversight
Insurance - dental, medical
Benefits Specialist, Felicia Moodie, MSM-HR
Insurance - property, church & school
Iona School for Ministry & lay ministry formation programs
Jubilee Ministries
Lay ministry licensing (other than preaching)
Lay ministry, parish training
Lay preacher licensing
Letters dimissory & canonical residency
Letters of Agreement (clergy)
Licensing Information for clergy
Lists of clergy and/or churches
Map of diocesan convocations (& regions)
Marriage judgments
Media relations
Meeting room reservations in Houston
Mineral (oil & gas) inquiries
Ministry Department oversight
Mission status, remit to
Mission work grants
Missional communities
Music Commission, Diocesan 
News stories, story ideas & parish news
Communications and Bilingual Specialist, Liz Gutierrez
Newsletters, email - eDiolog, Out of the Ordinary
Communications and Bilingual Specialist, Liz Gutierrez
Nominations (for elected office in EDOT)
Ordination process - diaconate & priesthood
Parish Administration - coaching
Parish administration - EDOT policies
Parish records management
Parochial reports, financial
Controller, Brad Elgin
Parochial reports, general
Participating Fund & general investment inquiries 
Payroll, EDOT & EHF
Pension, clergy & lay
Personnel policies for congregations
Planned giving presentations
Prison ministry
Properties, diocesan
Property damage report
Province VII Synod
Province VII Synod, delegates to
Racial Justice Committee
Reconciliation coaching
Rector search process (transition process & coaching)
Remarriage Petitions
Resolutions (for Annual Diocesan Council)
Retired clergy
Sabbatical grants, clergy
Safe Church (trainers & training)
Seminary of the Southwest, diocesan oversight
Seminary of the Southwest, general
Small Church Network
Social Media coaching & guidelines
Communications and Bilingual Specialist, Liz Gutierrez
South Region of EDOT
St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Austin - diocesan oversight
St. Stephen's Episcopal School, Austin - general
St. Vincent's House, diocesan oversight
St. Vincent's House, general
Supply clergy
Taxes, clergy 
Controller, Brad Elgin
Taxes, property
Tax-exempt certificate for parishes
Transition Process
Visitations (bishop visitations to parishes)
Website, EDOT Content
Communications and Bilingual Specialist, Liz Gutierrez
Website, EDOT Formatting
Websites, parish consulting
Webmaster, Videographer, and Social Media Coordinator, Daniel Villarreal
West Region of EDOT
Workers Compensation
World Mission Board, diocesan oversight
World Mission Board, general
Young adult formation/ministry
Youth & Children: formation, ministry, coaching, diocesan events