Bishop Suffragan Jeff W. Fisher

Bishop Suffragan Jeff W. Fisher

Bishop Suffragan Jeff W. Fisher

Bishop Suffragan Jeff W. Fisher

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Bishop Suffragan Jeff W. Fisher

The Rt. Rev. Jeff W. Fisher serves as the regional bishop for the East Region of the Diocese. He was elected bishop suffragan and consecrated in 2012. In addition to his visitations to parishes and missions, Bishop Fisher serves as executive for pastoral ministries, including care for active and retired clergy and their families. He serves on numerous boards and institutions, including the diocesan Liturgical Commission, the Episcopal Seniors Foundation, Global Partners in Mission, the Small Church Network, Vera Gang Scott Scholarship Committee, All Saints' Episcopal School in Tyler, Daughters of the King, and Altar Guild. 

Bishop Fisher is known for his compelling preaching, his focus on evangelism and his encouragement of the laity. He teaches homiletics at the Iona School for Ministry. A graduate of The University of Texas, Austin, Bishop Fisher was previously CFO for Hand Benefits & Trust, Inc., Houston.

He received a Master in Divinity in 2004 and was awarded a Doctor of Divinity in 2013, both from Virginia Theological Seminary. Ordained in 2004, Bishop Fisher served as curate at St. Mary's, Cypress, before being called as rector at St. Alban's, Waco, where he ushered in a time of unprecedented growth.

Bishop Fisher and his wife Susan have two adult sons, Scott and John.  

El reverendo Jeff W. Fisher es el obispo regional de la Región Este de la diócesis. Fue elegido obispo sufragáneo y consagrado en 2012. Además de sus visitas a parroquias y misiones, el obispo Fisher es el responsable ejecutivo de los ministerios pastorales, incluida la atención al clero en activo y jubilado y a sus familias. Es miembro de numerosos consejos e instituciones, como la Comisión Litúrgica diocesana, la Episcopal Seniors Foundation, Global Partners in Mission, Small Church Network, Vera Gang Scott Scholarship Committee, All Saints' Episcopal School de Tyler, Daughters of the King y Altar Guild.

El obispo Fisher es conocido por su convincente predicación, su enfoque en la evangelización y su estímulo a los laicos. Enseña homilética en la Iona School for Ministry. Graduado por la Universidad de Texas, Austin, el obispo Fisher fue anteriormente director financiero de Hand Benefits & Trust, Inc. en Houston.

Recibió una Maestría en Divinidad en 2004 y fue galardonado con un Doctorado en Divinidad en 2013, ambos del Seminario Teológico de Virginia. Ordenado en 2004, el obispo Fisher sirvió como coadjutor en St. Mary's, Cypress, antes de ser llamado como rector en St. Alban's, Waco, donde marcó el comienzo de una época de crecimiento sin precedentes.

El obispo Fisher y su esposa Susan tienen dos hijos adultos, Scott y John.