This year's Clergy Conference was a great success in the life of the Diocese of Texas. The coming together of both seasoned and new clergy was both a blessing and a reminder to all in attendance that the Church is not dying! Hope is alive! We were inspired by sessions, fellowship, and the Eucharist. God's grace was palpable.
We are thankful for this year's distinguished presenters and special guest Daryl Davis who participated in this year's Conversation with Bishop Doyle. Davis, a professional musician, has been on a quest to understand racism for nearly his entire life. Featured in documentaries on CNN, PBS, and other platforms including TedX, he seeks to change what many of us desire to see.
Davis, who has identified what he believes are five common connections that all human beings desire employs this theory by having difficult conversations with members of various hate groups, modeling humanity, and offering both a listening ear, and a different perspective.
To his credit, he has encouraged many to turn toward people of diverse cultures as opposed to turning away in hatred. Through these cultivated relationships, many have given him garb and other symbols representing the vile behaviors espoused by their former respective hate groups.