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Moving Forward in Truth: The Long Road to Austin

Moving Forward in Truth: The Long Road to Austin

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

The Convention had ended and reviews were in: “What is undeniable is how welcoming and hospitable Texans were to the thousands of Episcopalians who made their way to Convention. In particular, the Diocese of Texas and its many volunteers went out of their way to make us feel at home – and we...

Moving Forward in Truth: Letters in Exchange

Moving Forward in Truth: Letters in Exchange

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

Ever since my husband shared them with me, I have been fascinated with some old letters that he let me read. The letters written in 1935 and 1936, now nearly a century ago, were exchanged between Bishop Clinton S. Quin, the 3rd Bishop of Texas and my father-in-law, The Rev. John E. Culmer, who...

Moving Forward in Truth: Just Our Church

Moving Forward in Truth: Just Our Church

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

St. Luke the Evangelist Episcopal Church was the third African American Episcopal Church to reach mission status in the Diocese of Texas and the first in the city of Houston. In 1899, the Committee on New Parishes of the Diocese of Texas received an application from “the congregation (Negro) of...

Moving Forward in Truth: Bitter Fruit

Moving Forward in Truth: Bitter Fruit

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

Nestled away on 1,100 forested acres in Navasota, Texas Camp Allen began on 10 acres of land gifted by Rosa Lum Allen in 1921. Development began at Trinity Bay, near Galveston, to make the site ideal for hosting not just campers, but anyone for retreats, conferences, and meetings.

The Not So Welcome Table

The Not So Welcome Table

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

The spiritual, “Sit at the Welcome Table,” was a double entendre. When slaves, who were unwelcome at their masters’ tables, sang about the “welcome table,” they were singing about someday sitting down together at the table with and being welcomed by those who had once been their oppressors, as...

Moving Forward in Truth: No Ways Tired

Moving Forward in Truth: No Ways Tired

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

Tired and weary though we may sometimes get, let us not forget those who have come before us and made a way for us, that we too may walk in the way that has been prepared and even beyond it, until we have reached a better day and made a better way. For indeed, God has not brought us this far to...

Things Left Undone

Things Left Undone

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

As Episcopalians, as often as we go through the liturgy, we confess our sins to God, the things we have done and the things we have left undone. The part we play in our sins of commission are often more readily recognizable and thus more likely to be confessed and repented of than in our sins of...
