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Answering God's Call is Vocation of Church and People

Answering God's Call is Vocation of Church and People

Written by EDOT Staff on

"Take action in the power of the Holy Spirit," said the Rt. Rev. Jane Alexander in her sermon at the opening worship for the 169th Annual Diocesan Council, in Waco, February 15. The Bishop of Edmonton challenged delegates and clergy to find the space where they could "hear God's...

Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada to Preach at Council

Bishop of the Anglican Church of Canada to Preach at Council

Written by EDOT Staff on

Bishop Jane Alexander, guest preacher at this year’s Diocesan Council, is one of five female Anglican bishops in Canada. Raised in a nonreligious household, Bishop Alexander’s unlikely calling survived an early ban on attending church by her non-believing parents.

Missional Church is Focus of 168th Council

Missional Church is Focus of 168th Council

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

Grounded in Scripture and Worship From the opening worship of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas’ 168th Council, Thursday evening to the opening gavel on Friday morning, being “missional” and building “missional communities” were reflected in worship and business as more than 900 delegates, clergy...

Bishop's Presentation 167th Council Part II of II

Bishop's Presentation 167th Council Part II of II

Written by C. Andrew Doyle on

**Note: A letter read by the Rev. Russell Levenson is included here as the following remarks by Bishop Doyle refer to it.    Letter:   “As clergy serving the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, we support the leadership of our Bishop, The Right Reverend C. Andrew Doyle, and we...
