10 Deacons Ordained at Christ Church Cathedral, June 22
Following the celebration of the 100 graduates of the Iona School for Ministry, 10 new deacons were ordained at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, Saturday, June 22.
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Following the celebration of the 100 graduates of the Iona School for Ministry, 10 new deacons were ordained at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, Saturday, June 22.
“We are on the right path,” assured the Rt. Rev. Hector Monterroso, bishop assistant of the Diocese of Texas to the nearly 265 Episcopalians who participated in the Hispanic Lay Leadership Conference June 14-15 at Camp Allen.
The Rev. Canon Kathryn McCrossen Ryan, former Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of Texas, was consecrated in Westover Hills Church of Christ in Austin on Saturday, June 1, 2019. Ryan was elected bishop suffragan at the 170th Diocesan Council at The Woodlands Waterway Marriott February 22, 2019.
Tammy Lanier has been named the new Director of Communications for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, the Diocese announced Tuesday. Lanier who will begin June 3, 2019, succeeds Carol E. Barnwell who led the Department of Communications for over 25 years. Lanier most recently served as Director of...
The Rev. Charles Graves IV has accepted Bishop Doyle’s invitation to become the new Canterbury Campus Missioner in Houston, the Diocese of Texas announced April 30, 2019. Graves was most recently clergy resident and priest associate at Church of the Advent in Cincinnati.
La visión diocesana de expandir y brindar más apoyo a los estudiantes universitarios continúa con la contratación de dos nuevos misioneros universitarios en la Diócesis Episcopal de Texas.
The Diocesan vision to expand and provide more support to college students continues with the hire of two new campus missioners in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
El Obispo Andy Doyle anunció hoy el nombramiento de la Rda. Canóniga Christine M. Faulstich, jefa de personal, como la nueva Canóniga del Ordinario* de la Diócesis Episcopal de Texas, a partir del 15 de marzo de 2019.
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