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Camp Allen Names Its Next CEO - Allen Kight

Camp Allen Names Its Next CEO - Allen Kight


After a remarkable 22-year tenure as Camp Allen’s first President, George Dehan announced his retirement for the end of 2022. The Board of Trustees proceeded with a formal search process, and Allen Kight was selected and received unanimous support to become the next President of Camp Allen.

Tarleton State Ministry Brings Comfort

Tarleton State Ministry Brings Comfort


In the summer of 2019, Mackenzie Campbell-Furtick began working part time as the Campus Missioner at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Stephenville. Her primary role is to serve as a liaison between St. Luke’s and the students at Tarleton State University, which is just across the street from St. Luke’s.

VTS Grads Bring Their Gifts to the Diocese of Texas

VTS Grads Bring Their Gifts to the Diocese of Texas


From right to left: The Rev. (Deacon) Kurt Unangst, Andrew Lazo, Jeremy Bradley, the Rev. Dr. Jerald Hyche, Joy Miller, the Rev. (Deacon) Joanna Unangst   The Diocese of Texas is getting excited to welcome the new grads of Virginia Theological Seminary! Kurt and Joanna Unangst are...


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