The Beacon Hires Rebecca Landes as New CEO
The BEACON, a nonprofit organization that serves Houston’s poor and homeless population, has named Rebecca “Becky” Landes as its new chief executive officer.
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The BEACON, a nonprofit organization that serves Houston’s poor and homeless population, has named Rebecca “Becky” Landes as its new chief executive officer.
Episcopal bishops are "troubled by political rhetoric and issue a letter to the Church calling for less vitriol and more compassion for all. "We reject the idolatrous notion that we can ensure the safety of some by sacrificing the hopes of others.”
Bishop Andy Doyle gives a brief update after his surgery, which took place on March 3.
The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called for a “great wave of prayer” for the evangelisation of England. In an “unprecedented step”, Justin Welby and John Sentamu have written to every parish priest in the Church of England, inviting churches across the country to take part in the...
On February 20, people from all faiths and backgrounds gathered in Houston’s Third Ward to discuss social justices issues that face Houston’s African-American population today.
Bishop Andy Doyle announced Tuesday that he will have surgery March 3 for prostate cancer.
"Nuestro caminar como episcopales también incluye recordar a nuestras hermanas y hermanos cristianos en la Tierra Santa que conservan la fe que tanto apreciamos", escribió el Obispo Presidente Michael Curry al clero de la Iglesia Episcopal. "Su testimonio es una inspiración".
In “A Generous Community: Being the Church in a New Missionary Age” Bishop Doyle draws on his extensive reading in the sciences, organizational theory and Scripture to develop a compelling vision of the vibrant community of believers that the Episcopal Church could become.
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