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Deacons' Reunion at Clergy Conference

Deacons' Reunion at Clergy Conference


What a great number of deacons who were able to attend this year’s Clergy Conference. As they have gone about their work in the parishes they serve-and beyond; before and throughout the pandemic, it was nothing short of a blessing that they could once again gather as a group and take part...

Musicians Unite at the Diocesan Choral Festival 2021

Musicians Unite at the Diocesan Choral Festival 2021


Given the pandemic, this year’s Choral Festival at St. Thomas', Houston, was considered a success. Held on Sunday, November 14, several churches from the Diocese of Texas were represented. Jackson Hearn served as the Festival Conductor and the Rev. David Browder, St. Thomas&rsquo...

Clergy Conference 2021 in Review

Clergy Conference 2021 in Review

Written by Tammy Lanier on

Liz Gutierrez, a diocesan employee, found herself singing solos in front of her largest audience ever at this year’s Clergy Conference. Liz is also a talented musician, having learned to play the piano from her dad when she was around 12 years old.


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