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Woodworking and Ministry: both Process of Revelation

Woodworking and Ministry: both Process of Revelation

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

[Diolog Magazine] Murray Powell has been ordained for 37 years. He has served churches in Beaumont, Tyler and Houston; biked with a team on several MS 150s from Houston to Austin; and was vicar of Lord of the Streets homeless ministry in Midtown Houston. He brews his own craft beer and, despite...

Growth Marks Need for Next-to-New Resale Ministry

Growth Marks Need for Next-to-New Resale Ministry

Written by Bob Kinney on

[Diolog Magazine] Austin—Next-to-New, a 55-year-old ministry of St. David’s, Austin, will soon expand its 10,000-square-foot store in North Central Austin to enable the iconic landmark store to donate even more grant money to local nonprofits every year. Initially, the resale shop was...

Guild Shop’s Ministry Multifaceted

Guild Shop’s Ministry Multifaceted

Written by Andrea Meier on

[Diolog Magazine] Houston—In 1962, a group of dedicated women in a weekly sewing group at St. John the Divine, Houston, envisioned a resale shop where their talents could serve God, their church and the community. With the broad support of their church, they established a store at 1508 Fairview...

The “Mouse” and the “Mouseketeers” Offer Resale with a Mission

The “Mouse” and the “Mouseketeers” Offer Resale with a Mission

Written by Darby Kethan on

[Diolog Magazine] Woodville—“Where in the world did you get that GREAT dress?” The answer may come sheepishly or boldly—“At the Mouse,” St. Paul’s resale shop in Woodville. One story starts a flood of others: the Coach bag, the divine and never worn Trotter shoes, the first edition of a favorite...

Prayer Is Two-Way Journey

Prayer Is Two-Way Journey

Written by The Rev. Bill Wigmore on

Readers familiar with 12-Step Fellowships know that the 11th Step calls for prayer. Unknown to most, however, is the unusual form of Two Way Prayer AA Pioneers practiced in the early days of the movement. After reading Scripture and reciting morning prayers, they sat quietly listening for God to...

Keeping it Simple

Keeping it Simple

Written by The Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle on

“Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love’s sake.” This...

Praying for One Another Is Holy

Written by The Rev. Patrick Miller on

As he entered hospice, a childhood friend told me that he was sad about leaving his wife and two daughters. I remarked that we never really leave; the way we relate simply changes. Those we love and no longer see are still re-presented in our minds. The particular and peculiar human gift to name...

Hope Continues to Grow in East Texas

Hope Continues to Grow in East Texas

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

We learn what we need to know by the time we are in kindergarten, some contend. Jean Diebolt picked up some additional pointers as a combat nurse in Vietnam that have served her, and her East Texas neighbors, very well.


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