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Healing Can Be a Journey or a Moment

Written by The Rev. Becca Stevens on

During our regular morning meditation at Thistle Farms—a body-care products enterprise run by survivors of trafficking, addiction and prostitution—one could feel the stress of the upcoming holiday season among the 100 employees and volunteers. The air itself was thick with anxiety.

60 Years in Black & White:  Canon Logan Celebrates Rare Milestone

60 Years in Black & White: Canon Logan Celebrates Rare Milestone

Written by Luke Blount on

The Rev. Canon John A. Logan Jr. isn’t the kind of guy who seeks the spotlight. He doesn’t pose for photos or even smile for them, and usually, he is the guy who slips out the back door at office parties. But after more than 60 years as a priest in the Diocese of Texas, it is long past due to...

Embracing the Neighborhood

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

By the 1990s, St. Peter’s Anglo congregation began to grow smaller as members moved to suburbs away from north Pasadena. The area began to reflect a decidedly Hispanic aesthetic as more immigrants moved in. Today, the church’s vicar, the Rev. Pedro Lopez, is filling up the church once again.

Savings Groups Empower Women for Flourishing Future

Savings Groups Empower Women for Flourishing Future

Written by Faith Rowold on

Elisa walks with her two companions along the train tracks in Luanda, the capital of Angola. Janet and Kikala work for the Mothers’ Union, Episcopal Relief & Development’s partner in Angola, and are touring the barrio with Elisa to visit the savings groups she helped found over the past year.

Youth Model Abundant Living

Youth Model Abundant Living

Written by Matt Blank on

In August of 2012, ten youth ministries were challenged to celebrate their gifts through the Trading Talents Project. In the spirit of the parable in Matthew 25, each group was granted $2,000 with the expectation that they would expand their “talents” in order to have the largest missional...


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