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Cathedral Welcomes New Dean

Cathedral Welcomes New Dean

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

Christ Church Cathedral was founded in 1839 when Houston was the capital of the Republic of Texas. It was the first religious congregation in the city and is the only one still located on its original site. Among the founding members were the Republic’s attorney general, the secretaries of...

Simple Idea Leads to Sustained Growth

Simple Idea Leads to Sustained Growth

Written by Luke Blount on

By now, most of the clergy and leaders in the Diocese of Texas have heard Mary Parmer’s story. After an invitation from a friend to attend a service at St. Stephen’s, Beaumont, Parmer left her evangelical background and fell in love with the Episcopal Church. For the past several years, she has...

Worship Opens Realm of the Spirit

Worship Opens Realm of the Spirit

Written by Sharon Sheridan on

Singer Ana Hernadez was helping to provide music during a small Christmas-morning service when one of the hymns made her weep. After the service, the organist said, “You know what’s amazing? I push buttons on the organ, and water comes out of your eyes.” Sheridan is a freelance writer and...

Engaging Scripture Offers Deeper  Experience of the Holy

Engaging Scripture Offers Deeper Experience of the Holy

Written by The Rev. Melody Shobe on

We go to Scripture for many reasons: sometimes we are seeking answers, sometimes comfort, sometimes guidance. We turn to Scripture because we feel that we are supposed to (after hearing yet another gentle reminder from our clergy) or because we feel we have nowhere else to go. We look to...

Rickel: Are We to Wait?

Rickel: Are We to Wait?

Written by The Rt. Rev. Greg Rickel on

Wonder That is what I was asked to write about, and I am sure, from the description I was given, it was to be a positive theme of some kind. I have some of those to write, but what kept coming back to me was more of a twist, a more challenging one. I could not help coming back to my...

The Unexpected Has Theological Impact

The Unexpected Has Theological Impact

Written by Solange De Santis on

Why is a tightrope walker an “artist in residence” at a great urban cathedral? De Santis is the new editor of Episcopal Journal, a national Episcopal newspaper. She is the former editor of the Ecumenical News International news service.

Hollywood Expertise Helps  Set Stage for Worship

Hollywood Expertise Helps Set Stage for Worship

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

When Emmy-nominated costume designer Cliff Chally offered to make a replacement set of vestments at his church in Los Angeles, he wasn’t planning a new career. But that’s exactly what happened. Today, bishops from San Diego to Jerusalem wear his custom designed robes, and altars are adorned...

Labor Trafficking and Our Food Supply

Labor Trafficking and Our Food Supply

Written by Kendra Penry on

January 1, 2013 marks the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, the document which students in the U.S. learn “ended” slavery. As Americans celebrate this accomplishment, we also must recognize that it did not, in fact, end slavery. Slavery is alive and well today in our country...

