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Kids 4 Peace Brings Muslims, Jews and Christians to Camp Allen

Kids 4 Peace Brings Muslims, Jews and Christians to Camp Allen

Written by Luke Blount on

Over the past decade, countless conventions, meetings and summits have been held in search of a long-lasting peace between faith communities in Israel and Palestine, but for the children who take part in Kids 4 Peace, the solution seems simple because they experience it every day.

Hope and Healing: Perfect in Every Way

Hope and Healing: Perfect in Every Way

Written by The Rev. Jimmy Grace on

The other day I was riding down a street in our neighborhood on a bike next to my six-year-old son, who had just learned to ride a two-wheel “big boy bike” all by himself. Riding down the street, the two of us smiled as the wind blew past our faces.

Magazine Articles Now Online and in Your Mailbox

Magazine Articles Now Online and in Your Mailbox

Written by Luke Blount on

The newest edition of our quarterly magazine, Diolog: The Texas Episcopalian, should reach the homes of roughly 30,000 families this week. But in the meantime, readers can also read selected articles online from the communications page at

Interview with Mark Gwin: Fire Opens Possibilities

Interview with Mark Gwin: Fire Opens Possibilities

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

Mark Gwin is a member of Calvary, Bastrop. He joined fellow firefighters last year to help bring a historic wildfire under control. Gwin’s family has experienced a number of changes in the last months as well as profound grace.

Houston's Homeless Tap Their Artistic Talents

Houston's Homeless Tap Their Artistic Talents

Written by Luke Blount on

On the third Saturday of each month, Houston’s homeless men and women leave the streets to become artists for a day. Christ Church Cathedral’s homeless day center, The Beacon, serves as a monthly meeting space for the Marnoble Art Project, an art therapy class for the homeless.

