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Missional Communities Give Voice to the Gospel

Missional Communities Give Voice to the Gospel

Written by The Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle on

The Gospel of God in Christ Jesus will not be deterred by economic variables and, even now, is at work in the world outside the buildings and institutions of the Church. God is the sower of seeds in the world.

Call and Gifts Collide

Call and Gifts Collide


The eldest of six children, Francene Young felt a call early on, but it wasn’t until she neared retirement, that she actively sought ordination.

Legacy writ Large, Generosity of Spirit Continues at Camp Allen

Legacy writ Large, Generosity of Spirit Continues at Camp Allen

Written by Carol E. Barnwell on

[Diolog Magazine Camp Allen June 2016] Nearly 100 years ago, Bishop Clinton Quin was having difficulty attracting clergy to the Diocese of Texas, and a sagging church population concerned the missionary bishop. He hoped a renewed vision for the youth of the Diocese would help attract those who...

Restoration and Innovation Mark Future for Camp Allen

Restoration and Innovation Mark Future for Camp Allen

Written by George Dehan on

In 2001, when I came to Camp Allen as its first president, I said I wanted our guests' experiences to reflect this theme: “Awaken Your Spirit in the Piney Woods.” That vision has helped shape what is now the Centennial Fund leading to our 100th anniversary of Camp Allen in 2021. In order to...

Be Well! Fish On!

Be Well! Fish On!

Written by Toni Christopher on

[Diolog Magazine Camp Allen June 2016] Dire circumstances often can lead to innovative and inspired ideas. Reel Recovery is one such initiative, created by avid fly-fishermen inspired by their fishing buddy’s battle with brain cancer. This “band of brothers” witnessed firsthand the beneficial...


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