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Refugee Crisis Enlivens Scripture

Refugee Crisis Enlivens Scripture

Written by The Rev. Bo Townsend on

Hospitality is a time-honored tradition in the Episcopal Church. We welcome everyone to God’s table. Our history is one of welcoming anyone regardless of who they are or from where they come. I don’t know for sure, but I imagine that tradition was founded on Jesus’ command we hear in Matthew’s...

Refugees and Migrants in  America: There's a Big Difference?

Refugees and Migrants in America: There's a Big Difference?

Written by Paulette E. Martin on

The “global refugee crisis” and the “humanitarian crisis” are terms that have become a popular topic in the media over the past few years. Although both groups of people have a lot in common, in the eyes of the federal government, there are huge disparities between the two.

Guiding Principles for Resettlement Ministries

Guiding Principles for Resettlement Ministries

Written by Episcopal Migration Ministries on

Within the Episcopal Church, it is the Episcopal Migration Ministry (EMM) that helps to organize resettlement in situations where churches have partnered with other local resettlement agencies.

Who is a refugee?

Who is a refugee?

Written by Episcopal Migration Ministries on

“Refugee” is a legal term used to define an individual who: “...owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such...

Anglicans "welcome the stranger" in Athens

Anglicans "welcome the stranger" in Athens

Written by ACNS Staff on

Armed with bags of sandwiches, Canon Malcolm Bradshaw, Anglican Senior Chaplain in the Athens, joins Captain Polis Pandelis of the Salvation Army and heads to a park close to Victoria Square where newly-arrived Afghan refugees have found temporary shelter in tents.

A Place at the Table

A Place at the Table

Written by Jill Drzewiecki Rios on

Seven hundred migrants feared dead in the Mediterranean after deadliest boat disaster ever. The news arrived to my iPhone as I was preparing dinner for three men, who’d survived a similar journey across the Mediterranean in 2011.

‘What if it were you?’ Responding to the refugee crisis in Belgium

‘What if it were you?’ Responding to the refugee crisis in Belgium

Written by Matthew Davies on

For the Rev. Sunny Hallanan and her parishioners at All Saints Episcopal Church in nearby Waterloo, Belgium, that question – “What if it were you?” – has been a constant reminder that those escaping conflict and persecution need to be treated with compassion and respect rather than suspicion and...


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