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Fighting an Unholy Trinity of Racism Poverty and Violence

Fighting an Unholy Trinity of Racism Poverty and Violence

Written by The Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton on

We need to talk about race. Why? Because, much to the dismay and shame of so many Americans of goodwill for several generations, our society appears to be coming apart at the seams of some very deep racial divides. As a black man, who is also a diocesan bishop in the Episcopal Church, I’ve seen...

OH! That Awful Sin of Racism.

OH! That Awful Sin of Racism.

Written by Carole A. Pinkett on

One reason could be because we have failed to fully recognize how deeply embedded racism is in the structures of society and the church. Besides the national recognition of Black History Month, Absalom Jones, or even some horrendous criminal acts to a black, how often do we sit down to discuss...


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