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New Era of Freedom and Expansion for Cuban Church


Most Canadians visiting Cuba in February are there for the sun, the sea and the mojitos. But early this month, Archbishop Fred Hiltz of the Anglican Church of Canada led a delegation with a different purpose: to observe the 103rd synod of the Episcopal Church of Cuba, led in Havana by...

Breakaway Brazilian Bishop and Wife Murdered

Written by ENS Staff on

Conservative Brazilian bishop Robinson Cavalcanti, who broke away from the established Anglican church, and his wife Miriam were killed on 26 February at their home in Olinda in northeastern Brazil, according to his diocese.

Pioneers for Black Emancipation

Written by EDOT Staff, Commission on Black Ministry on

The Episcopal Church has tentatively added to its Calendar two American women who were pioneers in the struggle for the emancipation of African-American slaves. The date chosen for commemorating them is the anniversary of the Women's Rights Convention held in Seneca Falls, New York, July 19-20...


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