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Changing the Fight Against Ever-Changing Malaria


That belief lies at the foundation of NetsforLife®'s philosophy which, in the last nearly five years, has changed the way many nations and health organizations combat malaria. TheEpiscopal Relief & Development-sponsored partnership's combination of net distribution with community education...

NetsforLife® Achieving Progress


For World Malaria Day 2011, NetsforLife® will join with the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) in Mozambique to hang 100,000 malaria nets in homes in the Homoine and Panda Districts of Inhambane Province. Over the course of five days, 180 volunteers will be trained to help families...

Church Leaders Issue Statement on Malaria


Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, Bonnie Anderson, president of the House of Deputies, and Robert W. Radtke, president of Episcopal Relief & Development, issued a joint statement April 7 in advance of the fourth World Malaria Day, April 25, a day to commemorate global efforts to...

Religious Leaders Denounce Immigration Bill

Written by Joshunda Sanders on

About a dozen bishops, rabbis and religious leaders gathered in the sanctuary of First United Methodist Church on Wednesday morning to call attention to what they called their moral obligation to defend the rights of immigrants in Central Texas against bills like House Bill 12, which would...

Resources for Older Adult Ministries Offered


The Episcopal Church is giving attention to the future and the possible impact and implications of an aging population on congregations. Through a task force, issues and concerns of the aging population are being recognized and addressed and online resources are available.

