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Episcopal Divinity School to stop granting degrees in June 2017

Episcopal Divinity School to stop granting degrees in June 2017

Written by ENS Staff on

Episcopal Divinity School will cease to grant degrees at the end of the upcoming academic year, the seminary’s board of trustees decided July 21 on a 11-4 vote. During the next year, the board will explore options for EDS’s future, some of which were suggested by a specially convened Futures...

Nuns on the Bus Seek to "Mend the Gaps"

Nuns on the Bus Seek to "Mend the Gaps"


Nuns on the Bus attended the Republican National Convention in Cleveland and plan to make an appearance July 26-29 in Philadelphia, at the Democratic National Convention. Its theme is “Mend the Gaps, Reweave the Fabric of Society.”


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