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Savings Groups Empower Women for Flourishing Future

Savings Groups Empower Women for Flourishing Future

Written by Faith Rowold on

Elisa walks with her two companions along the train tracks in Luanda, the capital of Angola. Janet and Kikala work for the Mothers’ Union, Episcopal Relief & Development’s partner in Angola, and are touring the barrio with Elisa to visit the savings groups she helped found over the past year.

Santa Barbara: 'Resilience in the Face of Violence'

Santa Barbara: 'Resilience in the Face of Violence'

Written by Pat McCaughan on

Southland Episcopalians from Santa Barbara to Irvine were among thousands who gathered May 27 to remember and to honor six college students who were killed and 13 others who were injured during a deadly May 23 rampage in Isla Vista.


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