Priest Appeals for Worldwide Prayer After Kenya Violence
A Kenyan priest has appealed to Christians around the world to pray for the people of Garissa, a violence-stricken city in the North Eastern Province of Kenya.
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A Kenyan priest has appealed to Christians around the world to pray for the people of Garissa, a violence-stricken city in the North Eastern Province of Kenya.
Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori will convene and chair a special meeting of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina Convention on January 26 at Grace Episcopal Church in Charleston, SC.
“God is with us, God is here, God will always be here,” Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori said in her sermon at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Port-Au-Prince on January 12 noting the third anniversary of the Haiti earthquake. On January 12, 2010, a massive...
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A medieval ceremony has begun the process of the Rt Revd Justin Welby becoming the Archbishop of Canterbury. The College of Canons of Canterbury Cathedral has unanimously elected Bishop Justin Welby as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury. The 35-strong College of Canons, made up...
The congregation of Trinity Episcopal Church in Clanton, Alabama had a strong desire to reach out and make a different in their small Southern community. From that desire, the Beans and Rice Ministry was born and has developed into a lifeline for many. Trinity, located in the...
[Episcopal News Service] What does a new beginning look like? For many the New Year is for planning positive changes and forging new paths for wellness: heart-healthy diets, cardio regimens or new gym memberships. But what about the other “heart” health? How often do...
This Lent the Brothers of SSJE will offer a daily video series on prayer called "Praying Our Lives." Subscribe to "Brother, Give Us A Word" and during Lent you will receive a short daily video via email. View the trailer: "Prayer is what we are about," Br...
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