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St. Thomas and the Galveston Food Bank’s Food Distribution

St. Thomas and the Galveston Food Bank’s Food Distribution


On Saturday, August 1, St Thomas the Apostle Episcopal Church will offer the fourth of its monthly fresh food distribution to neighbors in need throughout Nassau Bay, Webster, and Pasadena. The July 4 distribution was cancelled due to problems with the Galveston Food Bank ability to provide...

13 SE Texas Religious Entities Received PPP Money

13 SE Texas Religious Entities Received PPP Money


At least 13 religious organizations and charities in the Beaumont, Port Arthur and Orange area received between $7.8 million and $295 million in combined Paycheck Protection Program loans, including five churches and the Catholic Diocese of Beaumont.

Moving Forward in Truth: Bitter Fruit

Moving Forward in Truth: Bitter Fruit

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

Nestled away on 1,100 forested acres in Navasota, Texas Camp Allen began on 10 acres of land gifted by Rosa Lum Allen in 1921. Development began at Trinity Bay, near Galveston, to make the site ideal for hosting not just campers, but anyone for retreats, conferences, and meetings.

Governor Abbott Issues Mask Mandate

Governor Abbott Issues Mask Mandate


Gov. Greg Abbott issued a statewide mask mandate Thursday.  The order requires Texans living in counties to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth while inside a business or other building open to the public, as well as outdoor public spaces, whenever social distancing is not possible. But...


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