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The Not So Welcome Table

The Not So Welcome Table

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

The spiritual, “Sit at the Welcome Table,” was a double entendre. When slaves, who were unwelcome at their masters’ tables, sang about the “welcome table,” they were singing about someday sitting down together at the table with and being welcomed by those who had once been their oppressors, as...

EHF Announces New Grants for COVID-19 Response in Texas

EHF Announces New Grants for COVID-19 Response in Texas


In an additional round of funding related to COVID-19, Episcopal Health Foundation has awarded $1.3 million in grants to 32 nonprofit clinics and other organizations that are serving at-risk communities in Texas on the front lines of the pandemic. Along with initial funding announced in May...

Moving Forward in Truth: No Ways Tired

Moving Forward in Truth: No Ways Tired

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

Tired and weary though we may sometimes get, let us not forget those who have come before us and made a way for us, that we too may walk in the way that has been prepared and even beyond it, until we have reached a better day and made a better way. For indeed, God has not brought us this far to...

I Am Palmer – Covid-19: Anticipating a Pandemic

I Am Palmer – Covid-19: Anticipating a Pandemic


I am an Associate Professor at UTHealth School of Public Health and an American Public Health Association Executive Board Member. Many decades ago, when I was in graduate school studying viruses and epidemiology, we speculated about the next pandemic. Even then we felt it could happen at any...

Get Involved Spotlight: El Buen Samaritano

Get Involved Spotlight: El Buen Samaritano


El Buen Samaritano is an outreach ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas committed to helping Latino and other families in Central Texas lead healthy, productive and secure lives through high-quality family literacy programs, food assistance, economic-stability services, health education, as...


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