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I Am Palmer – Treating Covid-19: A View From Inside the TMC

I Am Palmer – Treating Covid-19: A View From Inside the TMC


“I am Palmer” is a series of articles written by parishioners at Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church about their experiences in the time of COVID-19. With our close proximity to the Texas Medical Center and Rice University, the Palmer community has a unique insight into the halls of hospitals and...

Things Left Undone

Things Left Undone

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

As Episcopalians, as often as we go through the liturgy, we confess our sins to God, the things we have done and the things we have left undone. The part we play in our sins of commission are often more readily recognizable and thus more likely to be confessed and repented of than in our sins of...

Middle School Student Creates Community Food Drive

Middle School Student Creates Community Food Drive


Eighth-grade Spartan Zach Geller and his younger sister, Lauren, were distressed to learn about the many Austin-area residents who lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Fearing their families would go hungry, the pair decided to create a local food drive to help them.

St. John The Baptist, Tyler, Texas 1892

St. John The Baptist, Tyler, Texas 1892

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

Author, intellect and activist, W. E. B. DuBois, said “Although the Episcopal Church was the first American Church to receive Negro members, the growth of that membership has been small. This was the one  great church that did not split on the slavery question, and the result is that its Negro...


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