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Revamped After School Program to Boost Children’s Education

Revamped After School Program to Boost Children’s Education

Written by Paulette E. Martin on

It was a ‘day of jubilee’ for St. John’s, La Porte as they welcomed the community near East Houston to celebrate the newly remodeled Stein Missional Community Center. The Center, opened by the Rt. Rev. Hector Monterroso, Bishop Assistant, will be the home of an After School Program, Living...

The Importance of Birthdays

The Importance of Birthdays


The Rev. Canon Heather L. Melton, Staff Officer for the United Thank Offering, talks about the importance of birthdays and the acts of thankfulness and gratitude.

Charlottesville clergy hold anti-racism prayer meeting

Charlottesville clergy hold anti-racism prayer meeting


Clergy from the US-based Episcopal Church joined other Christians leaders in Charlottesville, Virginia this weekend in a show of solidarity with members of minority communities. Priests from across the diocese of Virginia took part in the rally which was held to counter what became a deadly...

Where Faith Meets Education

Where Faith Meets Education

Written by The Rev. Keith Pozzuto on

Chapel services are a foundation of Episcopal identity at Episcopal schools, whether they be preschool or high school. During the school year, students gather regularly to hear from the school chaplain about life and God, struggle and grace, to hear words of encouragement and words of warning.

A Growing Presence on Campus

A Growing Presence on Campus

Written by The Rev. Beth Magill on

The Diocese of Texas has a robust network of college missions with a presence on 17 campuses. Eight additional campuses adjacent to congregations are in discernment this year. Another seven campuses have been identified for our next missions in 2018.


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