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Brothers Back Restorative Justice

Brothers Back Restorative Justice

Written by Jim Goodson on

One of the nation’s top criminal justice experts lauded the Brotherhood of St. Andrew’s dedication to restorative justice during a June meeting in Philadelphia.

Growing Our Church

Growing Our Church

Written by Estela López on

My husband, the Rev. Pedro N. Lopez, my two sons, and I currently serve in the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, at St. Peters-San Pedro in Pasadena, which has a large Mexican population. Today our church is a bilingual-bicultural congregation with two services in Spanish and one in English.

Hacer crecer nuestra Iglesia

Hacer crecer nuestra Iglesia

Written by Estela López on

Mi esposo, el Rvdo. Pedro N. López, mis dos hijos y yo servimos actualmente en la Diócesis de Texas, en la Iglesia de San Pedro, en Pasadena, con una población mayormente de origen mexicano. Nuestra Iglesia es una feligresía bilingüe y bicultural con dos servicios religiosos en español y uno en...


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