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Moving Forward in Truth: How Long, O Lord, How Long?

Moving Forward in Truth: How Long, O Lord, How Long?

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

“Then God said, “Let us make humans in our image, according to our likeness…” Genesis 1:26 I have long said and believed that racism is the race that we as a society, as a world, continue to run that has no finish line and no victors, but an ever-mounting number of casualties.

Becoming Beloved Community NOW Webinars

Becoming Beloved Community NOW Webinars


Racial justice and healing leaders and practitioners across The Episcopal Church gathered July 28-30, 2020, to build community, craft strategy, and equip each other for action during a series of Becoming Beloved Community NOW online gatherings.

Moving Forward in Truth: Just Our Church

Moving Forward in Truth: Just Our Church

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

St. Luke the Evangelist Episcopal Church was the third African American Episcopal Church to reach mission status in the Diocese of Texas and the first in the city of Houston. In 1899, the Committee on New Parishes of the Diocese of Texas received an application from “the congregation (Negro) of...

“One Church: Separate But Not Equal”

“One Church: Separate But Not Equal”

Written by Kathy H. Culmer, DMin on

After the Civil War, white Episcopalians found themselves in a spiritual and ethical quandary as to what to do about freed slaves. Several issues faced them: 1) Reclaiming the masses of newly emancipated slaves who fled the church once they were declared “free;” 2) Training of black preachers...

