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Multi-cultural or Multi-racial?

Multi-cultural or Multi-racial?

Written by The Rev. Gayle Fisher-Stewart on

Multi-cultural, multi-racial, interracial, culturally diverse? These and other terms have been used in the attempt to describe congregations that have more than one race. Yet, a congregation can be multi-racial and not multi-cultural; the faces are different; however, worship can be seen as...

Exploring Reconciliation during Anglican Holy Land Pilgrimage

Exploring Reconciliation during Anglican Holy Land Pilgrimage

Written by Anglican Communion Staff on

The Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle joined an international group of Anglican pilgrims including five Anglican primates, the Anglican Communion Secretary General, Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon and four other members of the Compass Rose Society for a special 12-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land focused on...

SB4 siembra semillas de miedo para los inmigrantes de Austin

SB4 siembra semillas de miedo para los inmigrantes de Austin

Written by Paulette E. Martin on

Preparándose para lo peor, Elena Jiménez*, junto con sus gemelas de 15 años, Camila y Carla*, vinieron a San Santiago, Austin, el 6 de mayo para obtener ayuda para preparar una declaración jurada autorizando un apoderado de sus hijas menores, por si ellas son separadas a causa de una deportación.

Presiding Bishop urges the Church to ‘wake up’

Presiding Bishop urges the Church to ‘wake up’

Written by Michael J. Diorio, PhD on

Churchwide reconciliation initiative to launch this week [Diocese of Maryland] Presiding Bishop Michael Curry returned to his old stomping grounds in the Diocese of Maryland, bringing an inspiring message and encouraging Episcopalians to claim their role as members of the Jesus Movement.
