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Aug 06, 2020 | Paulette E. Martin

10 Deacons Ordained at Christ Church Cathedral in A Virtual Ceremony, August 1

The 10 new deacons ordained with Bishop Doyle at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston. 

Following a rescheduled ceremony due to the rising COVID-19 cases in Harris County, 10 new deacons were ordained at Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, Saturday, August 1. The event was live-streamed and closed to the public. 

After the sermon given by the Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle, bishop of Texas, each candidate to the diaconate answered a series of questions posed by Bishop Doyle during what is known as The Examination. They were asked to follow Christ and model their lives on Scripture, “to interpret to the Church, the needs, concerns and hopes of the world.” As each knelt in front of the bishop, he placed his hands on their heads and recited the Prayer of Consecration.

The new deacons joining the diocese of Texas are: Jeffrey John Bohanski, Jacob Paul Breeze, Clint Edward Brown, Judy Beth Harris, Vicki W. Knipp, Luz Cabrera Montes, Lissie Rhoton, Marcia Sadberry, John Vancamp and Christopher Anders Weis.

Many of the newly ordained deacons have served their churches and communities by assisting church plants, college ministries and serving as vestry members for many years. 

One of the ordinands who is anxious to start his new ministry as curate at St. Mark’s, Beaumont, is Clint Brown. He also looks forward to participating in their famous Chili Supper and Bazaar, which is one of the church’s primary fundraisers.

“I am excited by all the things a minister does, but if I had to pick, it would be (in the following order): leading liturgy, teaching, and pastoral care. I have a burning desire to help make people's lives better, and I think the primary way to make our lives better is to bring them into touch with Christ,” said Brown.

Prior to becoming curate, Brown served as the music minister at St. John’s, La Porte, for many years, and he also taught orchestra in public schools.

Another curate who is excited to start her ministry at Trinity, Houston, is Luz Cabrera Montes. Montes represents the first Latina raised up within our own Latino community, at San Mateo, Houston (Bellaire).

“I’m excited to learn more about Trinity, Midtown, from their already existing programs, to its history in this city. As curate, I look forward to supporting their existing ministries, and finding ways to authentically connect with families and the surrounding community,” said Montes.   

Luz has served as Lay Deputy for the Episcopal Diocese of Texas at the 79th General Convention. She has also led the youth group at San Mateo and was part of UH Canterbury where she helped minister students at the University of Houston.

She plans on sharing her gifts by allowing herself to learn from others. Additionally, she shares that “this pandemic has taught me that our gifts can be shared in a variety of ways, [and] that we can continue to be in relationship with others if we’re intentional.”

The ordination service concluded as each of the new deacons were vested and received a Bible as a sign of their authority to proclaim God’s word.

If you are interested in learning more about the ordination process, click here.