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Aug 14, 2012 | Office of Public Affairs

18 Young Adult Episcopalians Serve as Missionaries

cameron spoor
Cameron Spoor of St. Paul's, Pflugerville, is serving
as an assistant teacher in South Africa 

Eighteen young adults from 13 Episcopal Church dioceses will be serving as missionaries in the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) for the 2012-2013 term in locales throughout the Anglican Communion, including eight new ministries.


This year’s group of missionaries boasts the largest number of YASC volunteers ever. 


YASC is a ministry for Episcopal young adults, ages 21 - 30, who are interested in exploring their faith in new ways by living and serving in communities around the Anglican Communion.


The Rev. David Copley, Mission Personnel Officer, noted that while the day-to-day duties of each placement vary, the experiences of the YASCers are life-changing.  “YASC brings young adults into the life of the worldwide Anglican Communion and into the daily work of a local community,” he explained.


“YASC offers young adults an opportunity to live out their Baptismal Covenant by seeking and serving Christ in people all around God’s world,” commented Elizabeth Boe, Global Networking Officer.


Each YASCer maintains a blog, detailing their service, reflections and adventures. Boe, a former YASC volunteer who served in Tanzania, reported that blogs provide an ideal means for connecting with others in the Episcopal Church and around the world.

Meet the YASCers
Primarily working in administration, communication, education, and agriculture, the 18 YASC missionaries, their home dioceses, assignments and blog addresses are:

Cameron Spoor, Diocese of Texas
Serving in the Diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa, Cameron is an assistant teacher and resource center assistant at the Holy Cross School in Grahamstown.


Ryan Abrams, Diocese of East Carolina
Serving in the Diocese of Costa Rica, Ryan is the Companion Diocese Officer for the Diocese of Costa Rica and the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. Based in San José, Ryan is the first YASC missionary to serve in Costa Rica.

Ashley Bingaman, Diocese of Virginia
Serving in the Episcopal Diocese of Haiti, Ashley is a music instructor at the Holy Trinity Cathedral music program in Port-au-Prince. Ashley is the first YASC missionary to be placed in Haiti after the January 2010 earthquake.

Nina Boe, Diocese of Olympia
Serving in the Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, Nina works in the Provincial Secretary’s office in São Paulo. This marks the first time there has been a YASC placement in the Brazilian Provincial Office.

Carrie Díaz-Littauer, Diocese of New Jersey
Serving in Switzerland in the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe, Carrie is the Office and Project Manager for the World Student Christian Federation based in Geneva. Carrie is the first YASCer to serve in Switzerland.

Grace Flint, Diocese of Kentucky
Serving in Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, Grace is a mission intern with the Mission for Migrant Workers in Hong Kong.

Jared Grant, Diocese of Western North Carolina
Serving in the Diocese of Lesotho in the Anglican Province of Southern Africa, Jared works at St. James Mission Hospital and in the office of the Bishop of Lesotho . This marks the first time there has been a YASC placement in Lesotho.

Andrew Joyce, Diocese of Kentucky
Serving in the Diocese of the Northern Philippines, Andrew works at the Tadian Learning Center and Demonstration Farm. Andrew is the first YASCer to serve in this ministry.

Doug and Jenny Knight, Diocese of Arkansas
Serving in Japan, Doug and Jenny are volunteers at the Asian Rural Institute.

Jenny Korwan, Diocese of Atlanta
Serving in the Diocese of Kajiado, Kenya, Jenny works with Be the Change-Kenya, based near Nairobi. This marks the first time there has been a YASC placement in this ministry.

Benjamin and Elizabeth Locher, Dioceses of Virginia and Washington
Serving in the Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania, Benjamin and Elizabeth work at the Msalato Theological College in Dodoma. Elizabeth teaches theology and Benjamin works in the college’s technology center.

Holly Milburn, Dioceses of Lexington and New York
Serving in the Diocese of Cape Town in the Anglican Province of Southern Africa, Holly works in the HOPE Africa office in Cape Town as an administrative assistant.

Brian Orlay, Diocese of New York
Serving in the Diocese of Central Tanganyika, Tanzania, Brian works for the Carpenter’s Kids program as the program coordinator.

Phillip Shearin, Diocese of Connecticut
Serving in the Anglican Church of Mexico, Phillip works as a communications officer for the Province, based in Mexico City.

Stephen Smith, Diocese of California
Serving in the Diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa, Stephen is an assistant teacher and resource center assistant at the Holy Cross School in Grahamstown. He has been in this role for a year and will continue for the 2012-2013 YASC year.

Katie Young, Diocese of Northwest Texas
Serving in the Diocese of Tohoku, Japan, Katie just finished a year of service in Nagoya. She will begin her second YASC year in early October, working for the Let Us Walk Together program in Sendai. Let Us Walk Together is a coordinating body that oversees earthquake/tsunami recovery efforts being carried out by various dioceses in Japan. Katie’s position in Sendai is a new YASC placement.