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Nov 19, 2013 | Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs

2013 Jubilee Ministry Grant Applications Now Accepted

Applications for the Episcopal Church 2013 Jubilee Ministry grants are now being accepted in two categories: Program Development Grant and Program Impact Grants.

“Jubilee Centers are a vital and vibrant part of the mission of the Episcopal Church in our walk with those in need, and the current triennium will see a refocusing and re-strengthening of commitment to make a meaningful impact in communities across the country in our work of poverty alleviation,” explained the Rev. Canon Mark Stevenson, Episcopal Church Domestic Poverty Missioner.

Jubilee Ministries are congregations or agencies with connections to the Episcopal Church whose mission work affect the lives of those in need, addressing basic human needs and justice issues.

Application forms are available here.

The Program Development Grant, up to $35,000, will be awarded to a new or existing ministry that can demonstrate a new or re-visioned strategy and methodology to make an impact both locally and beyond itself.

Ten to 20 Program Impact Grants, ranging from $750 to $1,500 each, will be awarded to initiatives of Jubilee Centers that make a positive and measurable impact in the lives of those in need.

Deadline is Friday, December 13. Grant recipients will be announced the week of January 6, 2014. The next granting cycle and procedure will be announced in the fall of 2014.

For more information contact Stevenson at