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Jun 29, 2012 | EDOT Staff

Abbottabad Church Hosts Interfaith Meeting

Not far from Osama Bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, St. Luke's Church hosted an interfaith "exposure trip" for Muslim students at the University of Peshawar. St. Luke's is part of the Diocese of Peshawar in the Church of Pakistan, which was formed in 1970 as a result of a union between Lutherans, Scottish Presbyterians, Methodists and the Anglicans.


From the Frontier News:


Last month, the Faith Friends organized an exposure trip for the Muslim students of the University of Peshawar to visit the St. Luke’s, Abbottabad. It is expected that their visit will further promote interfaith harmony among various religious communities. The students were excited to learn about Christianity and their ways of worship.

The Priest-in-Charge of St. Luke’s Church, Abbottabad, Rev. Riaz Mubarik, along with his parish committee members welcomed the students. Revd. Riaz facilitated their visit to the Church and answered their various questions about Christian faith.

After the visit, the students confessed that many misconceptions about Christianity were cleared by visiting the Church personally.

“Now is the time to promote interfaith harmony by concentrating on similarities in various faiths, rather than qurrelling over petty differences”, said a student.

A refreshment party for the students was also organized by the Parish, and everybody enjoyed each others company, without discrimination of caste and creed. The churches in Pakistan never hesitate to open their gates for people of various faiths, as itself is a testimony.