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Aug 24, 2011 | EDOT Staff

All Saints, Austin, to Host Day of Hope for Addiction Support

All Saints', Austin, will again host a "Day of Hope."  Day of Hope II is a convocational gathering for anyone interested in developing an in house parish ministry for Addiction/Recovery Support.  This second Day of Hope will be Saturday, September 24, from 9 AM to 12 noon, at All Saints' Kinsolving Parish Hall.

This Day of Hope is sponsored by the "Bridge Ministry" of All Saints' - an awareness, prevention, and support team that is a ministry seeking to bridge the gaps from misunderstanding to awareness, from despair to hope, from isolation to community, and from shame to forgiveness.

"Don't be in denial or in the dark by thinking that an in-house ministry for addiction issues isn't possible," said Deacon Ed Woolery-Price. "Plan to attend this Day of Hope and listen and learn from the two speakers that will inform you of the reality of how to establish a significant congregational ministry in your church."


The first speaker will be Mr. Drew Brooks, of Faith Partners, who will offer information about how to respond to addiction issues with some training and the development of a lay member team as an organized ministry in a church community.


The second speaker will be Mr. Todd Maison from the UT Center for Students in Recovery and he will speak to the positive aspects that can come about from having an organized program for students with addiction issues.

The event is free with coffee and muffins, fellowship, and as Deacon Ed noted, "There is no UT football game that Saturday."


Contact Deacon Ed Woolery-Price at 512.476-7643 or