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Dec 05, 2011 | Luke Blount

Andy2Go Marks Another Successful Weekend, Many Guests

Andy 2 Go December
The Rev. Jim Liberatore gives a sermon on preparation
Andy 2 Go December 2
Two women read from the Andy2Go program outside a host home

The parishioners of St. Andrew's, Pearland, hosted 369 people including 79 guests during their third "Andy2Go" weekend, featuring 11 gatherings outside the church building.


Andy2Go is part of a series of events at St. Andrew's that brings the church out into the community. Each gathering is hosted at a parishioner's home and features worship and a Eucharist. Parishioners use this opportunity to invite guests and neighbors that may be more likely to attend a more intimate gathering outside of the church building. St. Andrew's also holds a regular event called "The Church Has Left the Building," which sends the parishioners out to volunteer in the community.


Due in part to events like these, St. Andrew's has seen about a 5 percent growth in their attendance, but the Rev. Jim Liberatore, rector of St. Andrew's, said it is not really about that.


"For us it is about treating people right, and giving an invitation," he said. "We've grown, but it doesn't happen immediately. You can build a community by charging up people like a tent revival, but usually after a tent revival within two weeks they all aren't there anymore. When you do this slowly, you have a better chance of assimilating somebody and getting to know them personally."


This installment of Andy2Go featured a Toys for Tots drive that drew around 50 guests alone. Other gatherings included a lasagna dinner, tailgate Eucharist and a fondue Eucharist or "Fonducharist".


This time, St. Andrew's encouraged other parishioners from around the diocese to attend as well. Several members from other churches were able to attend, and hope to replicate similar events in their own parishes. 


The next Andy2Go will most likely be incorporated with the EDOT's Sharing Faith Dinners in April, and the next Church Has Left the Building will be in March.


To learn more about how to start church events out in the community, contact St. Andrew's at 281.485.3843.