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Aug 10, 2011 | Anglican Communion Staff

Appeal for famine ravaged Horn of Africa

Ecumenical faith leaders in Africa today launched a Call to Action and Appeal for the people affected by famine in the Horn of Africa.

The move came after a two-day meeting in Nairobi led by the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa and involving the All Africa Council of Churches the Lutheran World Federation,  World Vision and others, gathered by the Anglican Alliance for development relief and advocacy.

At the first interfaith gathering in response to the food and humanitarian crisis, the group paid tribute to the heroic work of humanitarian agencies, churches and others who have worked in difficult circumstances to meet the needs of people fleeing drought, famine and war.

And the meeting issued a Call to Action to:

- The international community to meet the US $1.4 billion humanitarian funding gap; provide the necessary technical support to meet the needs of the affected population, especially women and children and ensure that global food security is given a high priority at the G20 meeting in France in November. Food aid is no substitute for food security. (See below)

- The UN to give higher priority to the policies to provide sustainable food supplies, and to work with the Arab League to address the root causes of the conflict which have affected the region for so long. 

- The African Union to increase budgetary support for agriculture, and create strategies to address the crisis affecting refugees in the region and ensure safe passage for humanitarian purposes.

Faith leaders also committed to long-term support for people and communities affected by drought and famine.

The Most Rev Ian Ernest, chair of CAPA and Archbishop of the Province of the Indian Ocean said the groups intention was to deal with immediate needs as well as to find long-term solutions.

Famine Appeal
The famine in the Horn of Africa is the worst for 60 years. More than 12 million people are in crisis and a million children need urgent help. Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia are being overwhelmed by people fleeing hunger, thirst and war. More money is needed urgently to meet peoples' needs.

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