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Apr 05, 2018

Application Process Now Open for Bishop Suffragan Election in the Diocese of Texas

For Immediate Release

The application process to elect a bishop Suffragan of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas is now open and will close on Pentecost Sunday, May 20, 2018.

Delegates at this year’s annual Council of the Diocese of Texas adopted a resolution to elect a bishop Suffragan during next year’s gathering, when it meets February 20-22, 2019 in The Woodlands. The new bishop Suffragan will succeed Bishop Suffragan Dena A. Harrison, who retires December 31, 2018, and will oversee churches in the western region of the Diocese. The new bishop, who will office at the Austin Diocesan Center, will also serve as board chair several institutions assigned by Bishop Diocesan Andy Doyle. These currently include St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, Seminary of the Southwest and El Buen Samaritano, all of which are located in Austin. A full job description may be found here.

The resolution cited connecting people, building healthy partnerships for mission and supporting vital networks between institutions and congregations as important aspects of the new bishop’s ministry.

A bishop, whether elected as a Suffragan or a Diocesan, is always elected as a bishop for the whole Church and the Anglican Communion. The election requires a majority of votes in both the lay and clergy order on the same ballot. Elected representatives of each congregation and clergy are eligible to vote.

 The process for nominations is different this time, allowing for applications online without the need for nomination from a third party. After consulting with the Rt. Rev. Todd Ousley, bishop for the Office of Pastoral Development of The Episcopal Church, the Diocese’s Standing Committee designed an open process to provide a wide search. A profile of the Diocese of Texas, the application process, timeline and job description may be found at: