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Apr 12, 2011

Art and Worship Mark Palm Sunday Evening

St. Timothy's ArtAn art exhibit, created on Ash Wednesday at the beginning of Lent, will mark the beginning of Holy Week at St. Timothy’s, Lake Jackson. An opening reception will be held from 6-7 p.m. on Sunday, April 17 followed by Taize worship, a contemplative-style worship with repetitive chants.


This collection of photographs, drawings and written reflections, produced immediately following the Ash Wednesday service, March 9, features photographs, paintings and written reflections by members of the congregation, aged 2-100. The inspiration for the project came from the Rev. Liz Parker, associate rector of St. Timothy’s, while she was taking an art class at the local Brazospport College.


“I had a vision for giving the parish a creative way to express their faith and a way for the community to learn about us,” Parker said. The results are “a witness to how we’re simultaneously God’s artists and God’s works of art.” 


Taizé worship originated France in 1940 and grew after World War II as a sign of reconciliation between divided Christians and between separated peoples. The community is a “parable of community.” See www.taizé.fr for further information. 


St. Timothy’s is located at 200 Oyster Creek Drive, Lake Jackson. The exhibit continues through May 22 and can be viewed Monday through Friday from 9-12 and 1-5 p.m.