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Jun 07, 2022

Artist Brings Houstonians, Laity, and Clergy Together for Community Art Project:

During the spring, fine artist Emma Balder, wife of The Rev. Deacon Jack Karn, brought together a diverse group of Houstonians, including civic leaders, lay members from Palmer Memorial Church, and clergy from the Diocese, for a special community art project.

Funded in part by the City of Houston through the Houston Arts AllianceSeed of Kindred Souls invited participants to bring in a meaningful textile, share its story, cut it up, and give it new life by sewing it into the larger installation. Their prophetic work is part of Balder's solo exhibition, Beyond the Surface, which explores the relationship between textiles and humanity. The installation was unveiled on Saturday, June 4 at Foltz Fine Art Gallery with a powerful Panel Discussion followed by an Opening Reception.  A sign of the Holy Spirit at work in our city!  To learn more about the show and plan your visit, click here.