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Nov 28, 2012 | Jeanie Sablatura

Austin Church Announces "Caroling at Noon" Concert Series

St. David’s Episcopal Church, 301 E. 8th St., is pleased to announce its 2012 Caroling at Noon concert series. A refreshing pause from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, this popular series of free concerts includes both virtuosic works by the performing ensemble as well as audience-wide singing of some of our favorite Christmas carols. The concerts are presented each Thursday at 12 p.m. in St. David’s Historic Church.


Free and open to the public, with complimentary parking in our garage at 8th and Trinity Streets.


December 6:  The Brazos Ensemble

                        Baylor University faculty trio: Francesca Arnone, flute; Kathryn Steely, viola; and Louisa Woodson, harp


December 13: Early music group Ensemble Settecento

J.S. Bach’s advent cantata Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 62), with period instruments and chamber  choir


December 20:  The St. Andrew’s Episcopal School Select Choir

                          Michael Rosensteel, conductor


Each concert is followed by lunch at 12:30 p.m. at Café Divine in Sumners Hall ($8). Regular and vegetarian entrees are available. For more information, please contact Jeanie Sablatura, Director of Communications, at 610-3556 or visit