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Apr 02, 2012 | Jeanie Sablatura

Austin Church Designated Certified Wildlife Habitat

In the middle of downtown Austin, amidst the honking cars and Sixth St. bars, the quiet grounds of St. David’s provides a bit of respite for humans and animals alike and has recently received certification from the National Wildlife Federation as a Wildlife Habitat.


On Earth Day, April 22, St. David’s will hold its 9:10 a.m. worship service on its peaceful outdoor Labyrinth and bless the grounds. By providing wildlife with food, water, cover, and a place to raise their young, the St. David’s grounds received this certification. The effort to certify the grounds has been a cooperative endeavor between the church’s Environmental Guild, Garden Committee, individual parishioners, and staff.



WHAT: Wildlife Habitat Certification ceremony


WHEN: Earth Day, Sunday, April 22, 9:10 a.m.


WHERE: St. David’s Episcopal Church Labyrinth, 301 East 8th St.



St. David’s is near the end of its pursuit of environmental certification in the GreenFaith Certification Program for houses of worship. The two-year certification process involves not only greening the worship facilities and operations, but educating parishioners and participating with the greater Austin community on projects related to issues such as stewardship of the earth’s resources and environmental justice. Certification with GreenFaith is just the beginning of the parish’s journey toward sustainability, regeneration, and more compassionate care of Earth.