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Apr 19, 2012 | Jeanie Sablatura

Austin Church to Host Art Night

Earth Around Us St. David'sAlmost 100 entries have been submitted by local writers, poets, artists, and musicians for the first Art Night at St. David's, Austin, on April 22 from 6-8:30 p.m. The evening will feature writings, live dance performances, displays of artwork, photography, and more. Fourteen of the nearly 50 featured artists will be from Trinity Center’s Art from the Streets program which provides paint and canvases to downtown homeless neighbors. This event, organized by the St. David’s Environmental Guild, is being held in conjunction with Earth Day.


“The idea came out of a small group we did after reading Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril, a collection of essays from people all over the world, including President Obama, about the obligation we each have to take care of our Earth,” said Rosera Tateosian, Chair of the St. David’s Environmental Guild. “We didn’t want to lose the energy we had so we focused our thoughts on how we could celebrate the creation of the Earth and the beauty we all have to contribute to it.”


In 2010, St. David’s Episcopal Church was accepted into the GreenFaith Certification Program, the nation’s first interfaith environmental certification program for places of worship. It aims to put religious-environmental beliefs into action. St. David’s is the first worship community in Texas to join this prestigious national program and will be completing the certification process this summer. For more information about St. David’s environmental leadership, visit For more information about GreenFaith and the GreenFaith Certification Program, visit