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Aug 06, 2018

Austin Podcast Event to Feature Johnathan Merritt

Jonathan Merritt, noted The Atlantic magazine contributor,
to be featured on live podcast at St. Matthew’s, Austin
Sunday, August 26, 2018 | 6:30 pm

jonathan merritt on NY streetOn Sunday, August 26 at 6:30 pm, St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church in NW Austin, will host Jonathan Merritt, nationally-known faith and culture author, for a conversation about his new book, Learning to Speak God from Scratch: Why Sacred Words are Vanishing—and How We Can Revive Them (Convergent, August 2018).

“Austin is one of my favorite cities in America, in part, because I sense God doing a fresh work there through communities like St. Matthew’s,” Merritt said. “I cannot wait to be there this fall to speak and spend time with Austin’s seekers and God-speakers!”

Merritt is a respected religion commentator for The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Fox News, and other national media outlets. His previous books include Jesus is Better than You Imagined and
A Faith of Our Own: Following Jesus Beyond the Culture Wars. He holds two graduate degrees in the field, and lives in Brooklyn, New York.

Merritt, and the Rev. Merrill Wade, rector of St. Matthew’s, will be joined by Luke Norsworthy, senior minister of Westover Hills Church of Christ, for a live 60-minute podcast of Newsworthy with Norsworthy. Norsworthy’s previous podcasts have featured a variety of noted religious figures including: the Rev. Becca Stevens, Richard Rohr and Nadia Bolz-Weber, as well as with the Diocese of Texas’ bishop, the Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle and has had more than one million downloads.

Merritt will sign books, available for purchase on site, immediately following the podcast.

Additionally, St. Matthew’s will launch an adult study group based on Learning to Speak God from Scratch beginning on Sunday, September 2 and continue through September 30, at 9:15 am in Huffman Hall on St. Matthew’s campus.

Both the podcast recording event and the adult study group are free and open to the public. Parking is free and available in both of the St. Matthew’s parking lots. St. Matthew’s, located at 8134 Messa Drive, Austin 78759,  is accessible to those with mobility issues. Please direct any inquiries to Wade at or call 512.345.8314.