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Jul 03, 2013

Austin School Awarded NAES Grant

St. James’ Episcopal School, Austin is one of 12 grant recipients announced July 3 by the National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES). Each of the twelve recipients will receive $1,000 for use in the 2013-2014 school year. St. James’ grant will be used to help bridge the funding gap for early education for students from lower income families receiving federal childcare subsidies.


“We are delighted to be able to support the mission and ministry of our member schools in this way,” said the Rev. Daniel R. Heischman, D.D., executive director of NAES. He went on to say that “our Annual Fund donors can be proud that a portion of their gifts help to support directly the educational, moral, ethical and spiritual development of Episcopal school students.”


Recipients are from California, Haiti, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, Virginia, Indianapolis and Texas.  Each school year NAES distributes 10% of its budgeted Annual Fund goal as Outreach Fund Grants to members, associate members, and regional, state, or diocesan Episcopal schools organizations. The grants support projects commensurate with the mission and philosophy of the association.


NAES is an independently incorporated, voluntary membership organization that supports, serves, and advocates for the vital work and ministry of those who serve nearly 1,200 Episcopal schools and early childhood education programs throughout the Episcopal Church, as well as school establishment efforts. Visit for more information.