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Jan 28, 2014 | EDOT Staff

Austin TV News Reports on Vandalism to Episcopal Thrift Shop

For several months, Next-to-New, a ministry of St. David's, Austin, has been the victim of vandalism to their property, including graffiti, attempted break-in and siphoning of gas from their delivery truck.


The consignment store has donated more than $3 million dollars to charity since its founding in 1959. After the most recent vandalism, a manager posted a sign which makes that fact clear to the perpetrators. See the video from KVUE below.





Somewhat ironically, St. David's intentionally offered their walls as template for graffiti a little over a year ago to open up a conversation about God during Advent.


Though the continued vandalism at Next-to-New has certainly been tough, the publicity raised has already sparked much support from the community. Click here to learn more about Next-to-New.