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Feb 24, 2012 | Carol Muegge

Bird Sculptor Uses Childhood Talents

Myrv Cron
Sculptor Myrv Cron in his wood shop 
Myrvs Birds
One of Myrv's many creations

At the end of a curvy, wooded drive in Chappell Hill, Texas resides a treasure trove of life-like sculptures, capturing the splendor of many wild bird species. The sculptures are the work of Myrv Cron – a self-taught artist.


Myrv began carving while a Boy Scout and later made furniture pieces for his family. It wasn’t until Myrv and his wife, Katie, retired to Chappell Hill after selling his chemical company that he became serious about his craft.


He began by whittling ducks but became absorbed in studying different types of birds and increased his repertoire to include raptors and songbirds. The majority of his work has been commissioned by friends and referrals and he likes to meet with each client to get a feel for what would be the suitable sculpture. Myrv extensively studies the traits of each bird before beginning.


Using a block of Basswood, Myrv draws the bird’s outline and then takes off everything that does not look bird-like. He carves the head and body separately. Feathers are made from thin wood strips and applied individually. Each bird takes about one year to complete.


Myrv graciously donates many of his birds to local charities including one that was auctioned for $50,000 to benefit the local hospital.


“I’m only having fun with this,” Myrv says.  “I’m not looking for a commercial market or another career.  I just enjoy creating these for myself and for friends who appreciate the magnificence of wild birds.” 


Myrv was the Featured Artist at the St. Peter’s Art Show and Sale in Brenham in 2010 that is held yearly the first weekend of November. Other art displayed at the St. Peter’s Art Show & Sale is – jewelry, painting, photography, carved gourds, ceramics, stained glass, and eggshell mosaic Christian icons among others. 


St. Peter’s is located at 2310 Airline Dr., Brenham, TX.  For additional information and directions to the church, call 979-836-7248 or go to


Read about another St. Peter's artist, Billye Faust, here.