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Apr 13, 2011

Bishop Calls People to "Virtuous Citizenship"

Bishop Andy Doyle joined Rabbi Steven Gross and Ali Kemal Civelek in an interfaith dialog on Abrahamic traditions on April 5 at a dinner given by the Institute of Interfaith Dialog, Houston. Each spoke from their respective faith traditions on “Virtuous Citizenship and Civil Discourse,” to an audience of more than 150 people. 


Bishop Doyle challenged those in attendance to work together for the common good by partnering to build a holy society.  He has challenged Episcopalians in the  Diocese of Texas to transform their communities by working for reconciliation, peace-making and compassionate action. 


“I am very interested in a conversation about how we, as faithful people, participate as virtuous citizens, how we build strength around common communal concerns, and how, when we disagree, we engage in compassionate listening to one another where each is respected.  Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of Britain and the Commonwealth, writes: ‘What then is the religious imperative after Babel? Simply this. That Abram is told: In you will all the families of earth be blessed… Being faithful to one tradition and yet a blessing to others, is one of the great themes of the Bible. As it deserves to be of our time.’  As Abrahamic traditions we have the opportunity to model a civil discourse and provide virtuous citizenship that will lead our community and country into a transformed society,” Bishop Doyle said.


Hear the bishop’s presentation at: