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Feb 02, 2021

Bishop Doyle Approves Diocesan Episcopal Church Women Board's Resolution of Dissolution

Bishop Doyle Approves Diocesan Episcopal Church Women Board's Resolution of Dissolution

Decision has no impact on local ECW Chapters including their formation, existence, or functioning

For Immediate Release- Jan. 30, 2021: During the January meeting of the diocesan Episcopal Church Women (ECW) board, the body voted to dissolve itself during the 2021 year. This decision, by way of a Resolution of Dissolution- approved by the IX Bishop of Texas, the Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle- comes after thorough review of the board’s purpose over the last several years. This move however, does not in any way impact or change how local ECW chapters form, exist, or function within their congregations. While the board has worked to restructure itself and redefine its true purpose, it ultimately determined that there is no substantive need for its continued existence within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

There is no required oversight from the diocesan board allowing local ECW chapters to form and become established, function autonomously, or even independently decide to dissolve. Most recently, while the diocesan board has served several purposes, its primary responsibility and most significant contribution has been limited to planning the annual meeting and retreat for all chapters. That event has realized declining attendance. The body agreed that such little contribution to the diocese does not constitute the purpose of a diocesan board.

Bishop Andy Doyle stated, “The diocesan Episcopal Church Women board has done exceptional work over the many years since its formation. Because it has completed its purpose so well, ECW chapters within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas are able to effectively perform their ministries within their congregations without guidance or leadership from the diocesan board. For this reason, I agree that the season for the board has come to an end, and I appreciate its tremendous contributions within the diocese.” The bishop also said that he appreciates and wholeheartedly supports the board’s decision.

Prior to its dissolution, the board shall dispose of its existing funds across several ministries and institutions within the diocese and will also appoint permanent trustees to administer its Vera Gang Scott Scholarship Fund for women, which will remain intact. Any additional funds will be given to the United Thank Offering.

For further information regarding this matter, please contact Tammy Lanier, the diocesan communications director, at .