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Apr 26, 2013 | C. Andrew Doyle

Bishop Doyle's Statement on Immigration Reform



The Episcopal Church is clear that all people living in the United States are entitled to protection provided by due process of law and that all immigrants and their families are entitled to receive protection granted by our laws and Constitution. We believe that an end must come to our fear which is often cast upon our undocumented brothers and sisters. Roadside checkpoints and raids carried out at work sites, transportation systems, community gatherings, places of worship, lawful assemblies and private residences leaving families torn apart and children parentless and negatively affecting businesses, workers and communities most often wound the good and the kind rather than punishing those who do wrong.


We are part of a society which allows deplorable conditions to continue in immigration detention centers we must take this moment to further reformation and find alternatives to detention. We must also in this moment call for accountability and oversight to ensure detainees are provided with humanitarian treatment, adequate food and medical care and sanitary conditions.


In this country, our youth are a priority. Yet many youth are undocumented today and live in the United States, go to our schools, and make their way to college; yet they have no hope. This legislation is one step towards helping undocumented youth who arrived as infants and/or children a place in our society where they can contribute and work for a common hope and a common good.


Unfair employers take part in wage theft and wage inequality because they do not have to report cash paid to undocumented workers. Abuse such as this leaves the undocumented worker without recourse and jeopardizes working conditions and safety for all Americans.


In the future we will be sad and we will regret what we have done in our time. So it has been throughout our history whenever our society encountered the "other." We will look back and wish that we had been more loving, more kind, more welcoming. We have begun to repeat history by not paying attention to our past and we must stop our backwards march before it is too late. We will in time understand how fear motivated our actions instead of love. As Christians we will have to ask God's forgiveness for our actions in this time.


So it is we arrive at this moment and we know that it is time to act. I believe the recent actions and bipartisan work in Congress begins to offer the first steps necessary to dealing with what has become an unjust situation where many take advantage of and exploit the undocumented. The "Gang of Eight" today takes leadership and helps our country move towards implementing comprehensive immigration reform which will allow millions of undocumented immigrants who have established roots in the United States and are often parents and spouses of U.S. Citizens to have a pathway to legalization and to full social and economic integration in to the United States.


This country is a society of the free. Over the last 237 years the United States has become home to hard working sons and daughters of immigrant parents. We have become a family who is willing to open our arms to the stranger. It is time for our congressional leaders to reflect our society's brave heart and courageously pass what will be the first step towards a healthier and stronger country.


C. Andrew Doyle, D.D.

IX Bishop of Texas