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Jun 29, 2016

Bishop Ed Salmon Laid to Rest

NASHOTAH, WISCONSIN--The Rt. Rev. Edward L. Salmon, Jr., the 19th Dean and President of Nashotah House Theological Seminary, died on Wednesday, June 29th, 2016, following a battle with cancer.


“Edward Salmon loved Christ and His Church, and gave himself completely to service. He lived hospitality, welcoming all as Christ. He was a man of deep prayer and spiritual insight, and it showed in the way he lived,” said the Very Rev. Steven A. Peay, Dean and President of Nashotah House. “My fondest memory of him is his love of the intellectual life. He delighted in conversations with the faculty. He was quick to say that he was not a scholar, but that never kept him from thinking, reading and asking questions.”


Bishop Salmon was born in Natchez, Mississippi. He received his BA from the University of the South; his BD from Virginia Theological Seminary; DD degrees from Nashotah House, the University of the South and Virginia Theological Seminary. He was ordained deacon in June, 1960 and priest in March 1961 in the Dioceses of Arkansas.


He served numerous churches including: All Saints, Chevy Chase, MD, 2010-2012; St. Michael and St. George, St. Louis, MO 1978-2000; St. Paul’s, Fayettesville, AR 1967-1978; St. Andrew’s, Rogers, AR 1960-1963; St. James, Eureka Springs, AR 1960-1963; St. Thomas, Springdale, AR 1960-1963.


Bishop Salmon was a Trustee of Nashotah House for 22 years, which included 13 years as chairman. He also served on the boards of the University of the South, Voorhees College, Porter-Gaud School, Bishop Gadsen Community, York Place and Canterbury House.


He had been the president of the Anglican Digest and was a recipient of the Order of the Palmetto, South Carolina’s highest civilian honor in 2007.


“Bishop Salmon loved Nashotah House, believed in its mission, and worked hard for its success,” said Dean Peay. “The world will be a little poorer now without his smile and his laugh.”